Tohru Masui
Visiting Professor, Center for Medical Genetics,
School of Medicine, Keio University
School of Medicine, Keio University
I started my career as a developmental biologist, worked with normal human materials in cancer research in USA and Japan. This experience has guided me to the next step. From 1995, I began to participate in discussions on science policy and ethical issues of research involving human subjects. Since 2000, I have changed my research field to research ethics and science policy. For more than 20 years, I have been involved in studies on biobanking of human materials and information. Recently I moved my main field to data fluidity and sharing in science. I have also been involved in the international standardization of biobanking and this taught me the importance of common language and comparativeness. I hope that my experience can contribute to studies of the ethical challenges and governance of human material and data sharing policies and practices in APRIN activity.