Kumie Inose

Professor, Faculty of Letters,
Konan University
Konan University
Kumie INOSE, with a doctorate degree in History from Kyoto University, specializes in modern British history and seeks to develop an interdisciplinary approach to the British Empire through cultural and gender perspectives. Her publications include Children and the British Empire(1992); British Women and Their Imperial Experiences: Mary Kingsley and Alice Green(2004); Encounters with the British Empire(2007, 2017); British Cultural History(2010).
She served as a Vice-President of the Science Council of Japan(SCJ), the representative organization of the Japanese scientist community, in 2014-2017. She has been engaged in a wide range of activities on the SCJ, including the projects on a gender-related issues, national security, research integrity, the recognition of history, and history education bridging between secondary and higher education. She was also a member of the Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the conduct of Science (CFRS) of ICSU (International Council for Science, now International Science Council) in 2015-2018. She has been a member of the MEXT’s Expert Council Committee for the Promotion of Research Integrity since its founding in 2015, and is also serving a board and council member of APRIN since it was established in 2015.